Shortcuts – Don’t Fight It – Red Rider
Don’t Fight It Red Rider Capitol ST-12028 Red Rider, a Canadian quintet, is built around writer-singer-guitarist Tom Cochrane whose voice has a familiar nasal quality that I can’t quite identify.
Don’t Fight It Red Rider Capitol ST-12028 Red Rider, a Canadian quintet, is built around writer-singer-guitarist Tom Cochrane whose voice has a familiar nasal quality that I can’t quite identify.
When singer-songwriter Tom Cochrane first heard Red Rider perform at the El Mocambo in Toronto, he was so impressed by the rock group that he went backstage after the show…
Red Rider is not exactly a household name in local rock circles. But if the band, it’s manager and the powers that be at Capitol Records have their way, this five-man Toronto based rock ‘n’ roll consortium…
Capitol Records is going all out on the debut effort, Don’t Fight It, by Red Rider. A single titled White Hot was released February 5, followed by the album, released on February 11.
Red Rider, a five-member, four-voice rock n’ roll band from the Pacific Northwest, has signed an exclusive worldwide agreement with Capitol Records, Inc.
If you like the music of Paul McCartney, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Wonder and Boston, then the group appearing at the Water Tower Inn should suit you fine. Stingaree, five powerhouse performers
The Hawk is back in town. Rompin’ Ronnie Hawkins, the indestructible Arkansas rockabilly, has returned to Calgary with the latest edition of his honky tonk, “rocky roller” band to play the Refinery for a week.
Every rock group dreams of success and recognition, and Ocean is no exception. But for these five musicians who’ve tasted it, it was too much too soon.
Ocean, who hit it big in 1971 with Gene McLellan’s “Put Your Hand In The Hand”, is looking for a commercial sponsor…
Yorkville’s pride and joy, Ocean, now happening internationally with “One More Chance”, are scheduled for a concert…
Yorkville Records act, Ocean, currently going with an established single, “One More Chance”, and Carolyn Leslie, a vocalist, will be presented, in concert, October 26th at Massey Hall
Ahed Music’s Bill Gilliland reports that Ocean, the company’s top group, is set to release their second LP.