Red Rider Rides Into Sacramento For Concert
“They were a lot better than I thought they would be” said Greg Cannon of Orangeville as a rock group Red Rider was leaving the stage after a recent performance at the Galactica 2000 in Sacramento.
“They were a lot better than I thought they would be” said Greg Cannon of Orangeville as a rock group Red Rider was leaving the stage after a recent performance at the Galactica 2000 in Sacramento.
It’s ironic that a band such as Red Rider should have the same problem as the hard-core punk rock group Dead Kennedys trying to make socio-political statements in four/four time and at 115 decibels.
Tom Cochrane’s songs tell of struggle and justice – not at all your usual rock lyrics. A note to Wreck beach nudists: No, that wasn’t the Chariots of Fire sequel being filmed.