Various pictures from various photographers taken during 2022.

Jeff Jones and Gerry Finn at Noonan’s in Toronto. May 13 2022. Photo by Don Kovacs.
Tom Cochrane with Red Rider at Casino Rama May 21 2022. Photos by Elaine Buzovetsky.
Jeff Jones and Gerry Finn at the Do West Street Festival, Toronto. June 2022. Photos by Marnie Banks.
Tom Cochrane with Red Rider at Badlands Amphitheatre, Drumheller on August 20th 2022. Photos by Lorraine Ganton.
Tom Cochrane with Red Rider at CNE in Toronto. September 4th 2022. Photos by Vince Jones & Victoria Borg.
Tom Cochrane with Red Rider at The Meridian Theatre in Ottawa. September 27 2022. Photo by Lorna.
Tom Cochrane with Red Rider at the Richmond Hill Centre. September 16 2022. Photos by Charles Katzman.
Tom Cochrane with Red Rider at the Performance Arts Centre, Burlington on September 20 2022. Photos by Lori Durrant.