Obscurity Can Pave The Path To Popularity

Many of my clear readers know that my all-time favorite band is Rush. By the way, Rush fans and potential Rush fans should run right out and purchase the relatively recently released DVD by Rush,”Snakes & N rows Live” –

Back To The Future On Piano For Gowan

Back To The Future On Piano For Gowan

In 1995, Lawrence Gowan found his way back to the piano. He was a keyboard player, after all. He arrived in post-punk in the early ’80s with a progressive-rock pedigree

Tom Cochrane And Band Light Up Arts Centre

Tom Cochrane And Band Light Up Arts Centre

“This band has money,” someone whispered as Tom Cochrane and his five-man band swept onto the Arts Centre Stage Saturday night in the wake of the technical humble Infidels.

Ocean Never Able To Match Success Of First Hit

Ocean Never Able To Match Success Of First Hit

The wave that carried Canadian pop-rock band Ocean to world-wide prominence in 1971 was a hit song combining a catchy melody, strong vocals and a little bit of old-time religion

Rider Keeps Masks Intact

Rider Keeps Masks Intact

Red Rider remains a Canadian rock band of opposing musical masks, assuming opposing realities for its different fans.

Red Rider Sound Consistantly Pleasing

Red Rider Sound Consistantly Pleasing

For those of us diehards that still value the odd smattering of lyric intelligence in popular music, Red Rider has been a constant source of pleasure.

Rider Rocking On

This was supposed to Red Rider’s year. After the Neruda album established Tom Cochrane as a thoughtful, ambitious songwriter and Red Rider, at last, as a smart, cohesive unit,