2014 Snaps

Individual pictures from here and there taken during 2014 by various photgraphers..

League of Rock – Hawaii

Jeff onstage with the League or Rock in Hawaii. (Steve Cropper & Alice Cooper. Ritchie Sambora, Ritchie Canata, Johnny Rosch). Date unknown. Photos by Michael White.

2013 Snaps

Burton Cummings- Various Locations, Dates. Pictures by Lil Sarafian & Maureen Lilla.

2011 Snaps

Various 2011 photographs from Doug Lewis.

Recording Of Jackson Kevin Campbell

Jackson Kevin Campbell

The recording of Jackson Kevin Campbell by Myles Hunter in Metalworks Studios in early 2011. Featuring Jeff Jones, Ken Greer and Phoebe Tsang.

2010 Snaps

Various photographs from 2010 featuring Jeff, Burton Cummings, Tom Cochrane and many more.