Band’s New Wave Of Popularity
When Tom Cochrane, lead singer-songwriter for Red Rider, was running along the sand at Vancouver’s Wreck Beach earlier this week, it wasn’t because he needed the exercise.
When Tom Cochrane, lead singer-songwriter for Red Rider, was running along the sand at Vancouver’s Wreck Beach earlier this week, it wasn’t because he needed the exercise.
It all occurred quite subtly. No one was really aware of the secret society known as Friends of the Beaver, a society dedicated to the promotion of Canadian rock ‘n’ roll.
“They were a lot better than I thought they would be” said Greg Cannon of Orangeville as a rock group Red Rider was leaving the stage after a recent performance at the Galactica 2000 in Sacramento.
It’s ironic that a band such as Red Rider should have the same problem as the hard-core punk rock group Dead Kennedys trying to make socio-political statements in four/four time and at 115 decibels.
Tom Cochrane’s songs tell of struggle and justice – not at all your usual rock lyrics. A note to Wreck beach nudists: No, that wasn’t the Chariots of Fire sequel being filmed.
Tom Cochrane’s living room is a small, cosy niche located at the heart of Cabbagetown. The furniture is neat and looks recently purchases – a trendy little Art Shoppe sectional couch.
This is an occasion as rare as a lunar eclipse for Music Express writers to express unanimous approval of a new record.
Toronto’s Red Rider, who topped record charts two years ago with White Hot and Lunatic Fringe, remain an industry enigma with the release of their third LP Neruda.
“I miss the snow,” Tom Cochrane, Red Rider’s lead vocalist and songwriter says via telephone from his hotel room in sunny Tallahassee, Florida. “Like hell I do,” he quickly adds with a laugh.
When Pablo Neruda was offered a high-ranking government position by his good friend Salvadore Allende, president of Chile, the South American poet could not accept.
Red Rider: Neruda (Capitol. You don’t have to be familiar with Red Rider to enjoy the most recent efforts of this Canadian rock band. Although better known for their hits, White Hot and Lunatic Fringe, Red Rider has taken to tackling ling more challenging dimensions with Neruda
The alarming image if an urban mob’s perverse fascination in Power (Strength in Numbers) opens Neruda, Red Rider’s most lyrically powerful release to date.